Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Best of Dudley Do-Right, Vol. 1

  • DoRight always does right somehow! He's back! The only Mountie ever to arrest a redwood tree . for loitering!!! With a little dumbluck, this squarejawed Canadian always gets his man." .Featuring Dudley's most hilarious casefiles!Learn how he joined the Mounties in "Mother Whiplash's Log Jam"! Empathize with his unrequited love for the fair and lovely Nell in "Niagara Falls." Pity his
BASED ON THE CLASSIC CARTOON SERIES, THE FILM FOLLOWS THE HILARIOUS EXPLOITS OF THE DEDICATED BUT HAPLESS DUDLEY. DUDLEY MUST FACE THE EVIL SNIDELY WHIPLASH WHO PLANS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. SET IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES, DUDLEY BECOMES A MASKED MAN ON A MISSION AS HE TRIES TO DEFEAT THE VILLIAN.Brendan Fraser (George of the Jungle, The Mummy) brings his considerable charm to this awkward live-action version of the classic cartoon Dudley Do-Right. The first half of the movie lays out the basic! elements of the cartoon (none-too-bright Canadian Mountie battles melodrama villain Snidely Whiplash with pluck and dumb luck) with little wit or imagination, but lots of pratfalls and broad gags. But about halfway into it, when Whiplash has taken over the town of Semi-Happy Falls and become its leading citizen, the movie takes a curious turn: Since Whiplash has become, to all appearances, a good guy, Dudley decides the only way to fight him is to turn into a bad guy. Next thing you know, Dudley is decked out in black leather and cruising around on a motorbike while Whiplash fumes impotently. Bullwinkle fans may decry this departure, but it gives the movie a much-needed burst of energy and the opportunity for some entertainingly surreal images--like Whiplash up to his neck in a mudbath with cucumber slices on his eyes, consulting with his henchmen about dealing with that unpredictable Do-Right. With Alfred Molina, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Monty Python's Eric! Idle. --Bret FetzerDoRight always does right somehow! ! He's bac k! The only Mountie ever to arrest a redwood tree ... for loitering!!! With a little dumbluck, this squarejawed Canadian always gets his man." .Featuring Dudley's most hilarious casefiles!Learn how he joined the Mounties in "Mother Whiplash's Log Jam"! Empathize with his unrequited love for the fair and lovely Nell in "Niagara Falls." Pity his pathetic allergy in "Marigolds"! Each cartoon pits him against that nefarious ne'erdowell Snidely Whiplash! Wittily written and voiced, these timeless classics are a fond salute to oldtime melodrama and remain some of the funniest cartoons ever made.


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